Is Heropost a Game Changer in Social Media

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When it comes to social media, every company has to have it. At a minimum, branding and proof of modernity is among the top considerations for it. The problem is that the cost to outsource your social media management is higher than you would like and hiring someone to do it full time at your company is also extremely costly. Not to mention, there are probably about 100+ other employees that you would prefer to hire first.

Along comes social media management tools to the rescue to help you post and manage all of your social media and do so in a time-effective way. Companies like Hootsuite and Buffer have long been around and Hootsuite has really become the Kleenex of the industry. The problem is… they (Hootsuite) know it!

If you want to get Hootsuite for your business right now, it would set you back, at the lowest package, $129/month! For a small business, this is a cost that can be a little scary. Not to mention, without someone monitoring it you wont be able to get the bang for your buck.

I have tried some of the other platforms like Buffer and the problem is that their UI is terrible. Reporting is only available with some of the higher packages, and again the cost is still too high for what the product offers.

Then while scrolling through social media, I noticed an AD for Heropost. For a limited time, probably because they are newer to the game, Heropost is offering their Pro-level package for a lifetime price of $197! At first, I thought… right… it probably is that price because the platform is terrible. On the contrary, it is very user-friendly and works really well.

Here is the link for you to go see Heropost:

I took the dive for all of us and purchased the lifetime subscription. My general rating of this is an 8 out of 10. I have a video coming out soon that shows the different aspects of the software on my YouTube channel.

Things that make it awesome:

  • UI that is better than most social media management tools.
  • Calendar scheduling for easy viewing.
  • Easy to link to social media accounts.
  • Reporting metrics are well laid out and easy to understand.
  • Price point.

Take a look for yourself, but if nothing else make sure you lock in that $197 offer! Their goal for the discount is to get users. Once they reach that number, I am sure the price will go to their desired point. If you decide to get it, let me know what you think!

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